Chapter Eight
The Eyes Have It

   “This place stinks!”

  Flint looked up from his position deep in the mud of the swamp to find Shipwreck slowly making his way towards him, wadding carefully through the murky water. They wore black and heavy camouflage obscured their faces from prying eyes. As the sun began to set, the oncoming darkness made them all but invisible.

  “Only the Zartan and his crew would find this place hospitable.” The sailor complained as he settled down next to him, “Well…them and Gung Ho…”

  “Report.” His voice came out more sharply than he had intended, but he didn’t have time for any of the man’s usually complaints. They had been surveying the Dreadnok hide-away for a full day with no sign of their quarry, and his window of opportunity was slowly beginning to shut.

  Shipwreck didn’t seem to take offense; he just straightened up and began to detail what he knew.

  The group was maintaining radio silence on his orders. They were so close to the compound that any use of the airwaves might be picked up on enemy sensors. Instead, they had taken to using hand signals and animal calls. There were so few of them…they needed to retain the element of surprise. They were not here to lay siege…they were here for something else.

  For someone else.

  “Scarlett says Snake Eyes senses Storm Shadow close by…”

  Flint’s eyes narrowed and he nodded. He should never have doubted Duke’s information. The paper the sergeant had handed to him in the hospital room contained the coordinates where Cobra Commander was last sighted after escaping from them in Alaska. It was a typical Intel report intended for Hawk’s eyes only.

  That Duke had delivered it into his hands instead was a huge risk.

  GIJOE didn’t know. The US Military didn’t know. As far as anyone was concerned, this mission did not exist. They were on their own. No one knew where they were, no one could contact them…there would be no one to call for backup if anything went wrong.

  It was a suicide mission.

  He had intended to go it alone but the others had followed. How they had found out was still a mystery but he suspected Duke had let ‘slip’ to a chosen few. They came without question…all of them wanting a piece of the man that had brought Jaye down.

  And once they had found out about her family, all of them wanting to finish what she had started.

  The Joes were hot, wet, and tired, but they had been through worse. They knew to be patient. He knew to be patient…but other things clouded his mind as he waited. Anger, sadness, worry…loss. Nevertheless, he managed to throw it all aside and listen as Shipwreck updated him on the status of his men.

  Obvious he wasn’t hiding it well enough.

  “You ok, Buddy?” Shipwreck asked quietly.

  He didn’t look up, merely shifted his weight and nodded. He didn’t want to talk about this. He couldn’t talk about it. He was teetering on the edge, very close to losing his grip on his sanity. He could not afford the consequences of letting go.

  Especially not now.

  “She will be ok,” he whispered, “She’s a fighter.”

  Flint didn’t reply.

  “You don’t know her like I do Shipwreck.” He thought.

  Sure she was strong. She was a soldier…a Joe. You didn’t get to be a member of this team without muscle, sheer grit and willpower.

  But she was so much more than that.

  With him she let go, revealed her soul. She was so lost, so vulnerable. Her sadness kept at bay by the thinnest veneer of control. He saw it whenever he looked in her eyes.

  Then there was the hate…it burned in her every time they went into battle.

  She fought it, but he knew how it all threatened to overwhelm her. What he hadn’t realized was that she was using him as her anchor.

  He closed his eyes and felt his hands clench into fists on their own accord.

  He should have known. He should have seen it. She was his best friend, for christ’s sake! She was his lover!

  The look on her face on those rare occasions when they were truly alone. The softness in her eyes when they made love. He had seen her…her true self…

  She gave him everything and still he held back.

  She never knew how he truly felt. She needed him more than anyone…but he had never told her how much he needed her.

  God he was such a fool.


  Shipwreck’s voice startled him noticeably. He had to gain control. He had to remain in control.

  “Go back and tell the others nothing has changed. We stick to the plan…if Snakes is right we won’t be waiting much longer.” As he turned to follow his orders Flint grabbed his arm and stopped him.

  “Remember…Snakes can have the Ninja…” he growled, “…but the Commander is MINE.”

  Shipwreck nodded, his face as serious as Flint had ever seen it. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  With that he turned and left, leaving Flint alone with alone with his memories.


GIJOE headquarters, 3 months ago…

  Flint stared at her from the open doorway as she sat at the desk in her office, oblivious to his presence. A pile of paperwork sat in the inbox next to her computer. The last mission had been a long one and as a result her regular duties had backlogged to the point where she was probably wondering if she would ever be able to catch up.

  As it was, it was after midnight and she was still in her small office on a Friday night while everyone else was out at Kitty O’Shea’s for a pint. He watched as she sighed and stared at the computer monitor. It was obvious she couldn’t concentrate.

  She had been with him on the mission. They had worked together without so much as a slip of the tongue or a chance contact. Everything was professional as usual. Everything went well. They had stopped Major Bludd from wiping out a small eastern block country and had managed to capture some high-ranking COBRA officers to boot. All and all, it was a highly successful end to a flawless operation.

  Lady Jaye, however, had other ideas about what constituted success. Although she would never show it in front of the others, he knew that for her the whole escapade was a failure.

  Cobra Commander had escaped again.

  He watched as she picked up her pencil and paused again, her mind not on her work. She looked so beautiful.

  He sighed in frustration.

  You think he would have gotten used to it by now. It was his decision after all…not to tell anyone…to keep it all a secret. They couldn’t…if Hawk found out the consequences would be too much to bear.

  But seeing her eyes harden as he treated her to one of his famous ‘commanding officer’ tirades, regarding her as nothing more than ‘one of his men’… seeing the hurt when he pulled away from the slightest touch of her hand when in public lest someone become suspicious…

  Seeing her ease and friendly banter with the others, knowing they had once shared the same familiar companionship, knowing how strained it has become of late.

  Knowing that any one of them would jump at the chance to be with her and he can do nothing to stake his claim. A familiar surge of jealousy coursed through his veins as he imagined her with another man, he felt the pounding of the helpless rage that usually followed.

  She must have felt the wave of anger emanating off of him, for all of a sudden the pencil snapped in her hand, sending splinters flying everywhere.

  “Fuck!” she sat up quickly and brought her finger to her mouth, attempting to dislodge the painful splinter that was stuck there.

  “You ok?” The sound of his voice in the doorway startled her and she froze, watching him.

  He closed the office door and silently moved towards her, his anger fading to nothing as he neared, drawing in her familiar scent. He took her hand in his to inspect the injury with a mocking smile.

  “I don’t know, Soldier…it looks pretty serious.” He said as he carefully pulled the wood free, “But I think you’ll live.”

  He didn’t let go of her hand right away, they just stood there beside each other in the dimly lit office, quietly taking in each other’s presence before she finally pulled her hand back and moved towards the window.

  “I thought you had gone out with the others…” she asked, trying to take the edge out of her voice but obviously failing.

  His eyes narrowed for a moment but he didn’t take the bait. He merely shrugged and sat down on the corner of his desk, looking up to watch her. Her eyes were soft and sad.

  “I didn’t feel like it…thought I’d make it an early night.”

  “Then its way past your bedtime…” she answered in a soft humorous tone, trying to divert him from the next question but failing.

  “What’s wrong, Ali?”

  “Nothing. I have a lot of work to do and I need sleep…”

  “Mmmm…right.” He got up and walked towards her, placing his hands on her shoulders, feeling the tension there. He began to slowly massage them and felt her relax almost immediately at his touch. He leaned forward, nestled her face into her hair and whispered. “You might be able to get away with a lie like that with the others but I can see right through you.”

  She pulled away and turned to him, her eyes blazing.

  “Really. Then tell me what I am really feeling. Tell me what is really bothering me. Please, enlighten me…because I can’t seem to figure it out.”

  He stopped for a moment to consider her. Was she angry with him? Probably. She should know by now that this was the only way it could be between them. But when then he saw the hate burning in her eyes and knew.

  “You have to be patient, Alison.” He used her name, her real name, when they were alone…only when they were alone. “We will bring them down. Together. I promised you and I keep my promises.”

  “I’m tired…I’m so tired…” He moved forward to gently gather her into his arms and she melted immediately. God, she felt so good against him.

  He cupped her face in his hand and brought her up to look at him, watching as her eyes softened and began to glow. It fascinated him that he could have this effect on someone.

  It scared him to think that she might be seeing the same thing in his eyes.

  He reached around her and drew the blinds down over the window, hiding them from prying eyes, before leaning down and kissing her gently on the lips.

  He felt his desire burn hot almost immediately.


  Maybe it was the fact that they never knew when they would be able to be together, maybe it was the ‘thrill’ of sneaking around, but whatever it was…when he was with her he could hardly control himself.

  Her hands began trailing up and down his back as he kissed her more deeply, pushing her up against the wall as he began to pull her shirt out from her waistband.

  “Flint…we can’t…the office…” her protests were cut short as his hands found her breasts. He felt her breathing grow shallow as he began his work. He loved to touch her…loved to see what reaction he could get, always watching her intently to see how she responded to his gentle ministrations.

  Suddenly, she grabbed him and swung him round so that he found himself pinned against her desk, her hips rubbing up against him as she deftly pulled his shirt off and brought her lips to his bare chest. He gasped in pleasure and looked down to see her watching him, her eyes burning with passion.

  He moaned as her hand brushed against *him*.

  "Oh, God…" Jaye whispered on a gasp of breath as their bodies pressed together, hands moving roughly over exposed flesh, pulling at restrictive clothing.

  “Door…” it was all he could manage to say. He was wild now…even if Hawk walked in on them right now he wouldn’t be able to stop himself. God…how could one woman have such an effect on him. His body was on fire. Every movement, every touch, every look sent him reeling.

  He felt as if his knees might buckle.

  “…Locked” she whispered.

  It was all she needed to say.

  His lips descended onto hers in a bruising kiss as he lifted her off the ground, turning to place her on the desk while his free hand swept the papers that had been so neatly piled in her inbox onto the floor. She didn’t seem to notice, or didn’t seem to care, for she merely began to unbuckle his belt with one hand while the other pulled him closer to her.

  A low growl rose unbidden in his throat. He couldn’t stand this much longer…he needed her…he needed her now.

  “Dashiell…” her breath caught in her throat as his hands found their goal. He loved the way his name sounded coming from her lips. He pushed her down onto the desk and leaned over her while she watched him intently. His heart nearly broke at the expression in her eyes, at the intense sadness mixed with the passion and maybe even love.


  His heart stopped.


  It is too much!

  Don’t love me, please…

  Flint’s thoughts were cut short as they joined…moving together, their bodies matching rhythms perfectly. It had been like this since the very first time…somehow he knew exactly what to do…as if they had been lovers for years…not for a few short months.

  As he neared his peak, through the haze of passion he heard her voice whisper in his ear.

  “Open your eyes…”

  His mind cried no but he couldn’t help himself. He opened his eyes and immediately found himself lost in hers. If eyes were windows to the soul then hers were laid bare before him, and for a brief moment he found the meaning of true intimacy.

  She was giving him not only her body…but also her whole self…her soul.

  And somehow…he felt himself silently giving her his.

  They gasped as the reached their summits together, falling into each other’s arms…but his heart was still racing…this time in fear.

  “Dash, you ok?” she asked, her voice quiet and concerned. He always thought he could hide his feelings and emotion behind the mask of his nearly perfect poker face. He was good at it…you had to be…it came with the job.

  But with her…

  “It’s nothing…” the lie came easily to his lips, but he could tell she wasn’t buying it. He kissed her gently and continued…”I…I have to go.”

  She sighed and frowned, but didn’t protest. She never did…but he knew she was disappointed and it killed him.

  He reached over and took her face gently in one hand as the other pushed the stray hairs out of her eyes.

  “You know I want to stay…”

  She didn’t say anything, merely nodded and moved to pick up her clothes

  When they where finished dressing he turned to find her gathering the papers.

  “Need help?”

  “No…go on. You needed to go do something important at one in the morning, remember?” there was only the slightest hint of bitterness in her voice, but mostly it just sounded exhausted.


  “I just get so tired.” She sighed, not looking up at him, “You hardly look at me when we are in public, you can’t touch me. We used to spend every instant we could together, talking, laughing…as best friends should…the others be damned. Now we sneak about like thieves in the night.”

  “Its different now…you know that.”

  “But is it better?” she asked, turning to look at him…locking him in her gaze. She didn’t let him answer.

  “I miss you Dash…”

  “I’m right here…” he whispered leaning down to brush her cheek with his hand. She smiled sadly.

  “Are you?”

  Suddenly his pager started to beep, startling them both. He swore and looked down to find Hawks name flashing on the little screen.

  He turned back to her, but she had already moved and was seated at her desk.

  “Go…if they are paging you this early in the morning it has to be serious…”


  She smiled and waved him off. “Go on…you are needed. I’ll be fine…”

  Reluctantly he opened the door and left her office. He felt like hitting something. He felt like screaming…

  He felt like crying in frustration.

  All his life he knew what he wanted.

  Everything he did put him one step closer to his goal. Oxford, the military…he wanted to explore the world…he wanted to challenge his mind and his body…he wanted to be the best of the best.

  He was career military. He was on the fast track to great things. He was so close to achieving everything he had ever dreamed about.

  He loved the military. He loved GIJOE. It was all that mattered…it was all that was important to him.

  Then why was it that since she came into his life he was beginning to doubt his priorities? Why was it that every decision he made since he met her was colored by what she might think, about how it would effect her.

  Being close to her shook his entire world to the very core.

  He cared about her. Her happiness was becoming more and more paramount in his mind. Yet his all encompassing career and position was the very thing that is hurting her.

  It will be the very thing that will end up tearing them apart.

  As he made his way down the quiet hallway he couldn’t help but laugh cruelly at the irony of it all…

  He had finally found everything he had ever wanted from a woman and a relationship, and it is ending up being one of the saddest and loneliest moments of his entire life.


  Low Light heard the low whistle to his right and immediately came alert, looking down at the narrow trail ahead of him.

  Sure enough, he could see the mass of COBRA troops heading his way.

  Despite his proximity to the path, he didn’t worry that they would spot him. He was so well hidden in the brush of the swamp that they would literally have to step on him before they noticed.

  He smirked humorlessly.

  He was good at what he does. He was great at what he does. He was the silent killer. He was the one that all soldiers feared. The bullet out of nowhere. The patient hunter.

  He was a sniper…and he was the best.

  Ahead of him, he could just make out Flint concealed in the reeds on the other side of the trail. His face was completely covered in camouflage paint, but it did nothing to hide the anger in his piercing dark eyes. Low Light shuddered uncomfortably.

  “Low Light, you’re with me…” He had said as they had left the LZ and moved forward into the swamp. It was so unexpected that he had stopped in his tracks, unsure if he had heard him correctly. Flint was forced to turn and repeat his command.

  Why me? He had thought as he followed his CO into the depths of the bog, both of them silent, both of their minds lost in thought. He thought for sure he would take Shipwreck with him…the two had been friends since the crotchety sailor had joined the team.

  Maybe this was it. The confrontation he had been dreading. He tensed as the sound of Flint’s voice broke the still of the swamp, his body unconsciously readying to defend and attack.

  “I thought you might want a piece of him as well…” his voice was flat, devoid of all emotion.


  Low Light shook his head in confusion as Flint stopped and turned to face him. His expression was unreadable…but he knew how to read body language. He knew to watch the eyes.

  Flint’s were a sea of anger and pain, but Low Light relaxed a bit as he saw no violence in them. At least none directed at him. Flint continued, his voice strained.

  “She is your friend, isn’t she? I know you want this as much as I do…” Low Light watched as Flint gripped his gun tighter, wondering what to say. Instinctively, he knew he had to take those words at more than just face value. There was much that was left unsaid behind them.

  Men don’t talk about these things. Men don’t share their feelings. He had learned that early on from his dad.

  Sensitive men were dead men.

  “She is…a friend.” He waited for the jealous posturing that Flint was so famous for since Lady Jaye came onto the team, but it never came. His eyes never left him, though.

  “To me she is more than a friend.” Low Light was surprised as hell at the revelation from his CO. They were hardly close, barely more than work acquaintances. Any contact he had with Flint in a social sense was always through their mutual connection with Jaye.

  Why was he telling him this?

  Was he staking his claim? Did he think he was a threat?

  He laughed inwardly at the thought. How many times had he imagined…dreamed…that she saw him as anything more than a friend? It was futile, though…he knew long before he had first caught them together at headquarters.

  Her heart would never be his…

  He was not sure what prompted him to say what he did next, but it was out of his mouth before he knew it.

  “I know.”

  Flint’s eyes narrowed but he made no move towards him.

  “She didn’t tell me, if that is what you are thinking.” She never told him anything…not about him, not about her parents. Nothing. It hurt.

  “I…I was on guard duty…”

  Flint stood still as a stone for a moment before sighing and nodding.

  “I guess it was bound to happen…” the next words were more forced…but sincere. “Thank you…for …for keeping it to yourself.”

  Low Light nodded and followed as Flint turned and continued on towards their planned positions. He had thought the strange conversation was over when he heard Flint’s voice once again, so quiet he could barely make it out.

  “I failed her Low Light. It won’t happen again…if she…” he paused before finishing “…I promise you it won’t happen again.”

  Low Light didn’t answer, but as he watched Flint tense in his spot by the side of the road at the sound of the approaching enemy, he realized that he had misjudged the man. He should have known that a woman like Jaye wouldn’t give herself to just anyone.

  A tinge of sadness and disappointment played at the back of his mind but he waved it off quickly.

  “Well Cooper, “ he thought to himself, watching as the storm in Flint’s eyes became tinged with madness as he caught sight of a familiar figure in white, “are you just going to sit here and mope or are you going to make sure that damn fool down there doesn’t do something stupid and get himself killed. When Jaye wakes up she will be pretty pissed with you if you loose him”

  When she wakes. Not if.

  Never if…no…never if.

  His thoughts were cut short as he heard the sound of gunfire. Gung Ho and Leatherneck had began their assault. At the signal, he began to fire into the enemy…every bullet hitting home. Every shot bringing down a Crimson Guard.

  The COBRA troops were running about in confusion, not able to see who it was that was attacking them…not knowing the source fire that was brining them down.

  All of a sudden, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure burst onto the scene. Flint. He was headed straight for Storm Shadow.

  “Damn it…” Low Light swore aloud as he pulled himself up and followed, covering the Warrant Officer as best he could as he tried to catch him, screaming for Snake Eyes as he did.

  He grabbed the man by the shoulder, careful to keep out of knife’s reach. Flint was frantic, god knows what he was capable of in this state.

  “NO!…” he shouted as Flint tried to pull out from under his grip. Somehow Low Light found the strength to hold on. Finally, Snakes burst out of the trees to engage Storm Shadow…the cobra ninja so taken by surprise that he barely had time to lift his katana to defend himself.

  “Leave the ninja to Snakes…we are here for something else. Remember…” Flint looked at him, fury burning in his eyes. His face contorted with rage. Low Light didn’t flinch.


  It only took a second, but it seemed like an eternity before the man nodded and they both made their way towards their goal.

  The Commander was surrounded by his elite Crimson Guard, who were fighting a loosing battle against Ripcord, Shipwreck and Scarlett. They joined the struggle and began to push the enemy back further down the path, away from the safety of the Dreadnok compound.

  Without warning, Flint rushed forward into the melee…seeing an opening that Low Light had missed. He was on Cobra Commander before the mad man could utter a single cry for help, dragging him into the swamp as the Gung Ho sounded the retreat.

  The team disappeared into the swamp as quietly as they came…leaving only six of the enemy standing where 30 had marched before. In the mud, a figure in white lay covered in blood…his life slowly ebbing out of the sword wound in his chest.

  The trip back to the waiting choppers was slow and silent. Flint was dragging their unconscious prize behind him, not caring that the big Snake’s body was being battered by the rough treatment.

  They had succeeded. Mission accomplished. It was done…or at least almost done.

  As they reached the boundary of the LZ, the choppers a dark shape in the clearing, Flint threw the commander roughly to the ground and drew his knife.

  No one moved to stop him. No one approached as he stood over the broken body of the man that was their mortal enemy. The warrant officer paused for a moment, before raising his knife…

  …and stopped.

  “Tie him up…and don’t be gentle. Radio Law and tell him we have a prisoner for him.” His voice was barely audible but it carried with it the familiar strength of command that Flint was famous for.

  While Leatherneck and Shipwreck moved forward to carry out the orders, they heard Wild Bill approaching them at a quick run.

  “Flint.” He held up the radio in his hands as he neared…his face worried. “Its Duke. He says he has been trying to get you for days…he needs to speak with you.”

  Even in the darkness, Low Light could see all color drain from Flint’s face as he slowly took up the receiver.

  “Flint here.”

  They all stood around and watched as he quietly listened to the voice at the other end of the line. His expression never changed.

  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he brought the radio down and handed it back to Wild Bill. They all waited for him to say something. Anything.

  Then…they heard the quiet whisper.

  “She’s awake. She’s going to be fine.”

  Low Light hadn’t realized he had been holding his breath until he exhaled after hearing those words. He felt Shipwrecks arm on his shoulder and looked over to see him smiling in relief and happiness. The others were also celebrating quietly…ecstatic at the news, but careful not to draw too much attention to themselves. The enemy was not far behind…

  He looked up to find Flint walking off by himself towards the choppers. No one had seen him leave.

  He turned to follow, staying far enough behind so that the big man wouldn’t notice…but close enough to be there if he is needed. Low Light paused behind a tree as Flint stopped and stared out into the night.

  The man’s body began to shake…to heave…and Low Light wondered if somehow he was injured in the battle and no one had noticed. Then it hit him…

  He was crying.

  Flint was crying. All the fear, all the worry, all the sadness and anger...all of the emotions that he had held inside for almost two weeks came out in a flood of sobbing relief.

  Low Light turned quietly and made his way back to base.

  “Maybe you were wrong, Dad…” he thought as he began to make out the familiar forms of his companions getting the choppers ready to go.

  “Maybe a man can cry and still be a man…”


Continued in Chapter Nine!
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