Now this one I could *not* believe when I
heard about it. I mean, our mild-mannered
Captain holding a cryocrypt tech hostage?
Who'da thunk it?

You think?
Of course he thinks. Just not very well.
What is this "pick on the Doctor day"?
Actually yes.
WHAT? Says who? Why would you want
                                                to pick on poor little me anyway?

                                                Says so right on the schedule.
                                               That’s every day and twice on Tuesday Doc.
                                             We'd make it three times, but then we
                                              wouldn't have time for lunch.
                                                Ha ha ha. Very funny. Next!

Oh look Captain under glass.
Just what we always wanted, a zombie in
charge of the team.

Still better than Doc in charge.
Can't argue with that.
Laugh it up, you two.
Ok HAhahahahahahaahhaahahah...



You know, it wouldn't take much at all to
program your computers to start playing
'Psychocrystal' at 10 billion decibels at some
ungodly hour of the morning...

You do, Doc, and I'll be sharing the
experience with you... Hmm. This one looks
like one of the images you lifted off the
Psychocrypt security system too. Can't
blame him for taking off... looks like Queenie
                                               hasn't had her morning coffee yet.
                                                 And I though *I* was cranky in the
                                               Goose, your cranky all day.
                                                 You say it like that's a bad thing.
                                               Next one please, boys.

And here's everyone's favorite Ranger captain
showing off the latest style in fashion jewelry!

Doc that is NOT funny.
Oh, I don't know, I thought it was rather ironic.
(taps his badge and goes metal) No, this is
ironic. (trusses Doc up and sticks a gag in his
Well that ought to keep him quiet for a while.
                                            About the only thing that can.

On to Page Four!