Part One

The Pitt:9 am

    "Okay, now that everyone is here, I'll start the briefing." Hawk announced to the group of Joes gathered in the briefing room. The assembled group consisting of Snake Eyes, Scarlett, Stalker, Clutch, Rock N' Roll, Cover Girl and Gung Ho looked over the folders their C.O. handed them and listened as he gave them the gist of their assignment. "There is to be a large reception in Washington D.C. tonight with dignitaries from around the world assembling to meet our new President. The guest list is HUGE and reads like a Who's who of world politics. Normally the CIA and Security Services are very jealous about guard duties for these functions, but thanks to the recent threats against the President they swallowed their pride and asked for help, although they waited until the last minute to approach us for assistance. We will be watching the reception for any sign of a terrorist attack on the President and his guests."

    At the sound of a few faint groans Hawk sighed and said, "I know it's a glorified babysitting assignment, people, but after all that has happened recently we need to change the negative opinions of us that have started flying around the Pentagon, besides think of this as an opportunity to show up some of those CIA gorillas."

    At the murmured approval at the last comment he turned on a projector and a large overhead view of the reception hall and surrounding streets and pointed to various markers placed in strategic positions. "Clutch and Rock N' Roll, you two will be positioned on the south side of the hall in a catering truck. Stalker and Gung Ho, you two will be on the north side, inside a video arcade. Cover Girl and myself will be in a news van at the west side of the hall. Any questions so far?"

    Clutch piped up, "How come boring ol' Stalker gets the arcade?"

    Hawk looked at him very casually and said," Because I know he'll pay attention to what's going on even there. Why do you think I didn't put you in there?" Everyone laughed a bit before Hawk continued, "Snake Eyes and Scarlett will be our eyes inside the reception itself, keeping an eye out for a suspicious group of people or strange behavior on the part of the help, security personnel, etc. The only problem is that this thing is formal dress only, NO exceptions, so Snake Eyes will have to wear one of his rubber masks and we'll have to find you a tux, Scarlett will need an evening gown."

    At this point Cover Girl jumped in," I can help her out in that department Hawk!" Throwing a grin at Scarlett as she said this.

    "Good." Hawk replied before turning to the group at large, "We'll start preparing the surveillance equipment, We leave at 1800 hrs. Dismissed."

* * * * * * * *

    Cover Girl practically dragged Scarlett out of the briefing room in her enthusiasm. "I have been dying to dress you up since I met you!" she said excitedly.

    Having just joined the team after a very successful modeling career Cover Girl had struck up a friendship with the lovely intelligence officer. She'd also noticed Scarlett's incredible natural beauty and her new friend's complete unawareness of just what a knockout she was. She was thrilled at the opportunity to show her new friend just how incredible her looks were.

    Scarlett let out a small groan and looking back at Snake Eyes, silently mouthed the word "Help". He just waved goodbye at her and she could swear she saw him crack a smile under his black battle mask. Not finding this all that funny she asked Cover Girl, "So which store are you dragging me to?"

    Cover Girl answered, "Forget stores, I have a friend nearby with the best closet full of evening gowns you'll ever see!"

    They both got into Scarlett's car and as Cover Girl drove Scarlett asked innocently, "What's your friend's name?"

    Cover Girl got a funny look on her face before she choked out a barely audible, "Vanity Fair."

    Scarlett gaped at her, "What kind of a name is that?!"

    Cover Girl winced a bit before answering, "That's his stage name."

    Scarlett almost let the sentence slide past her but one glaring word stood out in her head, "HIS!! What do mean, HIS? I thought your friend was a woman."

    Cover Girl smiled sheepishly," Only sometimes. He's a...He's a drag queen." When Scarlett merely stared at her as if she'd grown another head, Cover Girl hastily continued, "Vanity may be eccentric and colorful, but he has the most incredible fashion sense of anyone I've ever met. You'll love him, trust me." Scarlett, realizing she didn't have much of a choice, slumped back in her seat, trying to hold off the sense of impending doom washing over her.

* * * * * * * *

    A short time later Cover Girl walked up to the door of a house, dragging a very reluctant Scarlett. As they got to the door it opened and a 6 foot tall apparition in red sequins and marabou feathers practically tackled Cover Girl, squealing in an unnatural high pitched voice, "Courtney, darling ,I haven't seen you for an age! You came just in time to see my new outfit for my show. What do you think?"

    Scarlett stood gawking at the sight before her. Vanity Fair was at least 6 feet tall and was adorned in the frankly garish red sequined evening gown with a long bright red feather boa draped across very masculine shoulders. Atop his (Her?) head was a wig of waist length spiral curls in an impossible shade of platinum blond and his face was covered in garish make up that looked like it had been applied with a paint roller.

    Cover Girl asked her friend, "We need to borrow an evening gown from you Van, for my friend here." She indicated Scarlett.

    Vanity Fair appraised Scarlett with an appreciative once over and clapped her hands in delight, "Oh I've got the perfect dress for you. By the time we're done you'll look good enough to eat!" With that Vanity Fair swept into her house, talking excitedly with Cover Girl and trailing behind, looking like she was going to her execution was Scarlett.

* * * * * * * *

    Some time later, back at the Pitt, the mission team was getting assembled to leave for the night's assignment. Everyone turned as Hawk entered the room followed by a tuxedo clad Snake Eyes. Stalker clapped him lightly on the shoulder and smiled at his old pal, "Hey, not bad! You look pretty good in a monkey suit!"

    Snake Eyes was clearly less than thrilled with the attire but he looked as calm and impassive as always.

    Hawk said ,"Now we just need Cover Girl and Scarlett."

    As if on cue, Cover Girl opened the door and quipped, "Okay gentlemen, prepare yourselves."

    She stood aside and several jaws dropped open as Scarlett entered the room. Despite his own garish appearance, Cover Girl's friend truly did now what he was doing. The dress was a beautiful shade of blue, shot through with silver threads that caused the dress to shimmer and sparkle in the light . It had thin silver straps and showed just a little cleavage. The length extended to her ankles and hugged her perfect hourglass figure. A slit on the left/front side came up to mid thigh and that combined with the silver sandal style high heels to show off her incredibly long legs.

    Scarlett's haired had been softly curled and some of it was gathered at the back of her head so it fell in a wavy copper cascade to the small of her back. The make up was very light, with just enough used to enhance Scarlett's own beautiful features, her vivid blue eyes, high cheekbones, and full lips. she wore a set of Austrian crystal jewelry her grandmother had given her. The overall effect was elegant, subtly sexy and stunningly beautiful. Everyone, including Hawk stood there for a moment, stunned beyond the capability of speech before Stalker broke the silence by exclaiming, "Damn, Girl, you are FINE!!"

    Cover Girl gave her a little nudge and said, "And you doubted me."

    Hawk finally found his voice, "Okay Joes, let's be on our way."

    Stalker smiled in satisfaction as he noticed Snake Eyes couldn't take his eyes off Scarlett as the group headed for their waiting transports. When the team had been formed, his old buddy Snake Eyes had struck up a relationship with Scarlett that looked like it could get quite serious. But then that horrible accident had disfigured Snake Eyes and things had changed. Snake Eyes had withdrawn, pulling away from Scarlett and the closeness they had shared. He was still incredibly protective of her, but he almost seemed afraid to get close to her. Scarlett, he knew, had blamed herself for Snake Eyes getting hurt and it still gnawed at her.

    Stalker knew Scarlett missed the closeness she had shared with Snake Eyes and some part of her believed his withdraw from their relationship was him blaming her for what had happened to him. Stalker shook his head and sighed, if they didn't talk things out they might never regain that closeness. But at least Snakes' reaction to her just now proved there was still something there.

    As the group of Joes headed for their assignment, they didn't know of the group doing their own planning for the night.

* * * * * * * *

Presidential Reception - 10pm
    Snake Eyes and Scarlett moved to an inconspicuous corner as the time hit the hour. "Time for a check in," Scarlett commented as Snake Eyes handed her the small radio. She listened to the other teams check in and then reported theirs,"2200 hrs, all clear inside."

    There were at least 600 people in the room, making it impossible to keep a close eye on everyone inside, but at least there was no strange behavior displayed so far and things seemed to be staying calm. Scarlett handed the radio back to Snake Eyes and turned to see a dignitary approaching her and asking her to dance. She looked back at Snake Eyes uncertainly, not wanting to leave him standing there by himself, but he gave her a reassuring nod , his way of saying he didn't mind being on his own for a few minutes.

    Snake Eyes stood back and watched Scarlett being led through the dance and he found himself growing agitated. The fact that the song playing was the romantic ballad "When I'm With You" disturbed him first. Then he noticed that the man dancing with Scarlett was holding her far too close. Almost without thought he found himself crossing the floor to the pair and , tapping the dignitary on the shoulder he motioned in a gentlemanly manner, obviously asking if he could cut in.

    The man smiled and said, "Far be it for me to keep such a lovely lady to myself. By all means." He stood aside and Snake Eyes took his place, wrapping one arm around her slender waist and taking her hand in his, picked up the steps of the dance.

    Scarlett had stopped breathing when she'd seen Snake Eyes coming towards them and she had to remind herself to start breathing when he'd taken her in his arms and started to dance with her .

    The difference between her dancing partners was incredible. The first man's hands had been sweaty and clammy, his close hold making her feel sweaty and uncomfortable and he'd been rather clumsy. Snake Eyes was the opposite. His hands were warm and heated her skin where he touched her. His dancing was like his fighting, smooth, controlled and supremely confident. He was holding her even more closely than her previous dance partner, but she found herself leaning into his arms, she felt as though she belonged there.

    His eyes, normally a slashing shade of silver seemed to warm to molten mercury as his heated gaze locked with hers and his eyes sent her the message his mouth couldn't. Scarlett couldn't believe this was happening. After that horrible accident she'd thought any feelings Snake Eyes had for her had died. But the way he was holding her and looking at her proved her wrong. They became so lost in each other that it took them a few moments to realize the music had stopped.

    Snake Eyes relinquished his hold on her reluctantly, loath to let her go. Scarlett struggled to keep the tremble out of her voice as she said, "We'd um... better get back to our posts, I'll quickly look around the balcony first."

    Snake Eyes nodded then watched for a moment as she quickly crossed the room heading for the balcony doors. He hoped he hadn't pushed her into something she wasn't comfortable with. He'd lately been forcing himself to admit that he still felt as strongly for her as ever, he just didn't want her to stay with him out of pity or guilt. That's why he'd danced with her, to see how she would react to physical contact. He knew he's affected her. The flushed cheeks, rushed breathing and look in her eyes had told him that. He just hoped he hadn't scared her off.

    He sighed silently and walked to the other side of the room. She needed to be alone to collect her thoughts, and he could do no less than allow her a few moments of privacy.

* * * * * * * *

    Scarlett tried to control her frantic heartbeat as she walked towards the balcony, so lost in her own thoughts that she failed to recognize the man she brushed by on the way out. But he recognized her. Major Bludd couldn't believe his luck at the fact the beautiful G.I.Joe agent was walking right into their trap. After sending death threats to the new American President, Cobra Commander had set up the plans for tonight.

    While the CIA and the rest of security watched their new President like a hawk, cobra would come in right under their noses and quietly steal away some dignitaries from some of the lesser known, but wealthy countries. Not utilizing the full blown vicious terrorist attack security was obviously expecting, they instead were keeping it very quiet.
    Major Bludd had stationed himself in the area of the balcony doors. When a suitable target ventured outside alone, he relayed the order to Cobra Commander's new flunky, Storm Shadow. A ninja known for being silent and incredibly efficient, Storm Shadow would patiently wait until he was alone and would 'acquire the target quickly and silently. No fuss no muss. Major Bludd smiled unpleasantly as he spoke quietly into the microphone, "Oh Storm Shadow, there's another candidate heading your way, a woman."

    Storm Shadow's cool voice came though the transmitter hidden in the Major's ear, "Description?"

    Major Bludd smiled evilly again, "Oh, you'll know which one I mean, she's impossible to overlook."

    Storm Shadow spotted her from his hiding place and understood immediately, the woman was incredibly beautiful. Major Bludd' s voice came through the microphone again, "Be careful of that one, she's a Joe, and a lot more dangerous than she looks. She will be an unexpected treat for Cobra Commander."

    Storm Shadow frowned slightly, not liking the Major's slimy, insinuating tone. He shook off these thoughts and waited for his opportunity.

* * * * * * * *

    Scarlett leaned against the marble railing and tried to calm her racing thoughts. "Get a grip, girl. "she muttered to herself, "the man dances with you and you run like a scared rabbit."

    It was just that he'd never looked at her like THAT before, never held her so close... She wasn't frightened, far from it. She just couldn't believe that after thinking his feelings for her had died, she found out tonight that they were as strong as ever. She smiled to herself, feeling the need to go back inside, find Snake Eyes and talk to him.

    As Scarlett thought this she realized that the other people that had been on the balcony had gone back inside, leaving her alone. A strong prickle of unease went through her and just as she turned to go inside, a figure in white dropped behind her and grabbed her around the ribcage, pressing a chloroform soaked cloth over her mouth and nose.

    Scarlett started twisting her body desperately, using every skill she knew to break free but it was no use. The arms holding her were like iron bands holding her against the brick wall that was her assailant's body.

    Storm Shadow was surprised at the strength and agility in this rather delicate looking woman, he thought he might lose his grip on her a few times, but he simply tightened his grip and pressed the cloth more tightly to her nose and mouth.

    Scarlett's vision began to blur and she tried to cry out one last time, "Snake Eyes!"

    It came out as a quiet mumble against the cloth and then her world went black. Storm Shadow gathered her in his arms and quickly returned to the roof, informing Major Bludd he had the prisoner.

    Major Bludd's voice came back, "Good, I think we'll call it a night. I'll meet you at the transport in five minutes. We have a healthy supply of wealthy hostages to ransom, but that last one is the icing on the cake.!"

    He finished his statement with a cruel laugh, making Storm Shadow frown slightly again. As he headed to the waiting transport he looked at the lovely face of his unconscious prisoner. "I don't know what they have planned for you beautiful one, but it can't be good."


Continued in Part Two
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