'Til the Season Comes 'Round Again
By: Amy "AnnieO" Hanna

  That’s the last of it Dad,” Little Zach said as he carried another box into the living area of the small house. “Can I go over to Mike’s now?”

  “Sure, just be back by dinner time.” Zach said without looking up from the box he was rummaging in. He listened as his son grabbed his coat and felt the cold draft of air as the door was opened and closed, then Zachary Foxx was left alone with his thoughts.

  He didn’t know why he was even bothering with putting up the Christmas decorations this year none of them were really in the spirit of the season. But Eliza had loved Christmas, and a part of Zach felt that if he did this one little thing, that she was still here and not lost to him.

  As he continued to dig through the box he stopped when he spotted a box of old photos and a CD. . He pulled himself up off the floor and placed CD into playing unit then sank onto the couch as the music began to filter through the room as he began to dig through the photos, the first ones he found were from the very first Christmas he and Eliza had spent together, and it was the Christmas he had received a very special gift, his mind wandering back to happier times…

* * * * * * * * *


Come and gather around at the table
In the spirit of family and friends
And we’ll all join hands and remember this moment
‘Til the season comes ‘round again…

  He heard the music playing softly in the background and the sweet smell of baked goods assaulted his noise as he entered his quarters that Christmas Eve night. He could see his wife as she went about placing decorations on the small tree they had brought home yesterday evening. He stood at the entry to the living area just watching her as she bustled about, his eyes drinking in the sight of the women he loved. Then suddenly, as if she felt someone else in the room she turned. He felt his heart skip a beat as the smile he dreamed about every night flashed across her face.

  “How long have you been standing there?”

  He smiled back, “Long enough to admire the view.”

  “Oh you…”

  He silenced her with a tender kiss. “What did the Doctor have to say?” He asked after he released her and she returned to her task. “Was it the flu?”

  She fell silent for a moment, “Not exactly.”

  “Not exactly?” he repeated his expression turning to one of concern. “What does that mean?”

  She just smiled and went about her decorating, “It means it’s not the flu and that I am fine.”

  “Eliza….” his protests were interrupted by the dinging of the timer in the kitchen.

  “Oh Zach, would you get the cookies out of the oven please.”

  He shook his head trying to figure out how she had once again out maneuvered him when he was supposed to be the expert in tactical planning. He entered the small kitchen and saw the results of the days baking cooling on the counter. Glancing over his shoulder and seeing her still engrossed in the tree he carefully reached a hand out.

  “And don’t you touch those cookies they’re for the party.” Her voice filtered into the room

  Quickly pulling his hand away and once again wondering how she did it, he grabbed the hot pad and pulled out the last sheet of baked goods. Setting them on the counter top to cool along side the others. “You have enough in here to feed an army.” He commented as he returned to the family room.

  She raised an eyebrow at him, “Have you seen those friends of yours eat?”

  He chuckled at her comment, “Yeah, you have a point there.”

  “Here you put the star on top.” He handed him the ornamental glass star and stepped back, “A little to the left…little more…perfect.” She directed as he placed it on top of the tree. “Now all we have to do is plug in the lights…” She grabbed the cord as she spoke, “and done.”

  Together the stood, both content in the others arms as they watched the tree sparkle in the moon light both silent embracing the moment for what it was. Eliza was the first to break it.

  “Zach, would you like one of your presents early?”

  He glanced down at the women wrapped in his arms, “Sure if you want to give it to me early.”

  She turned and wrapped her arms about his neck, “Well I couldn’t really wrap this one.” He raised an eyebrow his face taking a questioning expression. “And you will have to wait a while yet to actually see it.”

  “Eliza what are you going on about?”

  She just smiled, “How would you like to be a Father Zachary Foxx?”

* * * * * * *

  Zach placed the photo off to the side and dig into the box again, coming across a photo of Eliza and the kids. He remembered this Christmas. He had been off on a mission and had feared that he wouldn’t make it back in time to be with his family. Little Zach was eight and Jessica six, both had begged him not to leave, but he had no choice and he swore that he would be back in time. He had no idea how close he would come to breaking that promise….

* * * * * * * *

Let’s all try to smile for the picture
And we’ll hold it as long as we can
May it carry us through
Should we ever get lonely
‘Til the season comes ‘round again…

  “Little Zach, Jessica, come on time for bed.” Both children continued to stare out the large picture window in the living area of the house, ignoring their mother’s voice. “Zach, Jess? Did you hear me?” She asked as she entered the room and saw the two children watching…waiting. “Come one you two. The sooner you go to bed the sooner Santa will get here.”

  “I don’t care,” Little Zach spoke up, “I want Dad to come home. Jess quickly nodded her head agreeing with her brother.

  Eliza sat on the couch and motioned both of her children to her settling them on her lap, “I know, I miss him too. And I am sure he is trying to get home to us as fast as he can.”

  Jessica looked up at her mother, her blue eyes sparkling in the lamplight, “But he promised.”

  She clutched her children to her, “I know Jess, I know.” She looked out the window, “Zach please come home.” Her mind begged.

  Zachary Foxx breathed a sigh of relief at the completion on his mission. To his dismay he had been forced to spend more time away then he had planned but now he could head home and see his wife and children, and if his luck held even make it by Christmas morning. He entered the coordinates into his computer and within moments had entered hyperspace. 

  He leaned back in his seat his mind turning to what Eliza and the kids would be doing now. She would be tucking them into bed and they would be all excited about tomorrow. Both wondering what Santa would bring them and more then likely plotting about sneaking into the living room to try and catch Santa in the act. 

  He smiled to himself at the image his mind gave him, two heads of blond hair crouching behind the couch waiting for that Jolly old man to slide down the chimney. With that image firmly placed in his mind, Zachary Foxx slowly fell into a light sleep, trusting his ship to get him home safe.

  Eliza woke to the sounds of soft footsteps running past her bedroom door, turning over she noted sadly that Zach had not yet returned home. With a heavy sigh she pulled herself out of bed and grabbed her robe and quickly made her way out to the living room before the kids got into trouble. The sight before her eyes nearly broke her heart. Little Zach and Jess had resumed there seats at the window all thoughts of the presents piled under the tree forgotten as they both watched for the one gift they truly wanted, there father. The day quickly wore on and no matter what Eliza tried the children refused to move from the spot. She had tried everything she could think of, from offering cookies to threats. Nothing moved their attentions from the vigil they had begun. The victor was finally when sleep claimed there weary minds. With a sad smile Eliza covered both her children with blanks and with soft footsteps returned to her lonely room.

  Zachary Foxx stood outside his home. He was lucky to have made it back before the end of the day, but he had promised, and he was nothing if not a man of his word. He had nearly burned out his hyperdrive to make it on time. And now here he was and with 15 minutes to spare in the day yet. With quiet footsteps he entered his home. The tree was still lit up with its lights and the presents beneath it unopened. He saw his two children asleep on the floor in front of the large window covered in blankets, he smiled down at the two most precious gifts his life had given him, and tenderly kissed each on their cheeks. Little Zach stirred slightly in his sleep, but settled quickly. Jessica just sighed and a smile spread across her face.

  “Zach?” Eliza’s sleepy voice whispered from behind him.

  He turned and with two quick steps swept his wife up into his arms swinging her about the room. “I missed you.” He kissed her tenderly.

  “Daddy!?” Two voices proceeded the crashing of two bodies into the couple.

* * * * * * *

  He chuckled to himself at the memory and placed the photo atop the other. He reached into the box again and froze at the next photo he removed from its depths. He knew this one well; it was a memory that clung to his mind and heart. The one where he made the decision that changed who and what he was forever. The last Christmas before Eliza had been taken from him.


* * * * * * *

One night holy and bright
Shinning with love from our hearts
By a warm fire
Let’s lift our heads higher
And be thankful were here
‘Til this time next year…

  “To the right Dad.” Jessica’s voice called out as Zachary Foxx struggled with the tree. “No, now left.”

  “Jessie, could you make up your mind.

  “But Dad, it’s gotta be perfect.”

  The sound of Eliza’s chuckled proceeded the women into the room. “Jessie, I think it looks good right there. Now why don’t you let your father stop impersonating a pine tree so he can take a phone call.”

  With a much-relieved sigh Zach sat the tree down and fought his way out from behind it. “Their now you and Little Zach can start decorating it.” Zach said as he went into his office to receive his phone message. “Commander Walsh? How can I help you?” He quickly hid his surprise at seeing the face of his commanding officer on the other end of the line.

  “I am truly sorry to disturb you on Christmas Eve Lieutenant but your name came up for a special mission.” A sly smile spread across the face of Commander Walsh


  “How would you and your family like to spend some time on Kirwin? Ambassador Zozo requested you personally for this mission.”

  Zach sat staring at the screen in shock. “But Sir I’m not qualified for a diplomatic mission.”

  “The ambassador thinks different Lt. Foxx and I agree with him. Your record is spotless and you have excellent relations with non-humans. I need someone like you out on the frontier not here on Earth.”

  “I’ll need to talk it over with my family first Sir.”

  The commander smiled, “Of course. Let me know what your answer is as soon as you can. And Merry Christmas Lieutenant.” The screen went black.

  Zach sat at his desk for several minutes after the Commander had disconnected the call his mind rummaging over the conversation. The sound of laughter brought him out of his thoughts and he made his way back into the living area.

  “Who was on the phone?” Eliza asked when she noted his return.

  “Commander Walsh. He has a new assignment for me. That is if you and the kids are willing.”

  “Willing for what?” She questioned.

  He smiled. “Little Zach, Jess come here there’s something I need to ask you.” Both kids stopped their bickering over where the ornaments should hang and turned to their father. “How would you guys like to spend some time on Kirwin?”

  “Zach?” Eliza gave him a surprised look.

  “The commander offered me an assignment to Kirwin. So what do you think?”

  “Wow! We get to go too?” Jessie’s voice was filled with excitement.

  “That’s the plan. If your mom says ok that is.” As one three sets of eyes turned to Eliza waiting her decision.

  She tried to hold off her answer as long as she could, but finally she couldn’t take the stares anymore. “When do we leave?”

  “Yeah, were going to Kirwin. Wait till I tell me friends.” Jessie shot out of the room followed quickly by her brother.

  Eliza chuckled lightly as her husband wrapped her into his warm embrace. “I think you just made there Christmas.”

  “I love you Eliza Foxx.” He pulled her in for a kiss.

* * * * * * *

  Zach sat the memory box aside now and with a weary heart pulled himself off the couch and went to the com-unit. “Yes, may I speak to Little Zach please.” He asked when the call was received on the other end.

  “Hey Dad what’s up?”

  “I need to go out for a while Little Zach. Can you make sure your sister gets to bed on time?”

  “Sure Dad no problem.”

  “Thanks. I’ll see you in the morning.” He reached out and disconnected the call, and reaching over grabbed his jacket and headed out into the night. The last photo still clutched in his hand.

* * * * * * *

May your new year be blessed
with good tidings
‘Til the next time I see you again
If we must say good-by
Let the spirit go with you
‘Til the season comes ‘round again…

  He found himself standing in the cyrochamber. He didn’t know why he felt he needed to be here, only that he wanted to see her tonight. He watched as the technetium unsealed Eliza’s chamber and once done left the Captain alone.

  “Well Liza here we are. Another Christmas, only this time I don’t have you here with me. I don’t know if I can keep going I miss you so much. I miss your voice, the sound of your laugh. The feel of waking up beside you, everything. I know I have to be strong for Little Zach and Jessie, but it’s so hard sometimes when I look at them and all I see is your face staring back at me. If I had it to do all over again I never would have taken that assignment, then you would still be here with me and we could get on with our lives. He stepped forward and placed his hand on the glass coffin. “I love you Eliza Foxx.”

  With sad eyes he turned to leave pausing at the doorway, “Merry Christmas Eliza.”

May your new year be blessed
with good tidings
‘Til the next time I see you again
If we must say good-by
Let the spirit go with you
And we’ll laugh and we’ll play
In the time that we had
‘Til the season comes ‘round again…


Authors note: 'Til the Season Comes 'round Again Performed by Amy Grant

Merry Christmas 2000...


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