Part Two
Semper Fi!

    “Man…it’s WAY too early in the morning for this.” Shipwreck shielded his eyes from the bright light of the sun as he made his way to the track with Torpedo and Wetsuit.

    “Hey…you were the one who insisted on joining us on our morning warm up.” Torpedo flashed him a brilliant smile, “I believe ‘Seal-Schmeal…let this old sailor show you how it’s done’ were your exact words.”

    “I was DRUNK!”

    “You’re ALWAYS drunk on Saturday night…” Wetsuit grunted, “You’re just letting that loud mouth Falcon get to you…”

    “Hey…he isn’t just dis-ing me…he’s dragging the Navy’s good name through the mud as well.”

    “Army…man, those guys never take a hint…” Torpedo waved as he noticed Gung Ho and Leatherneck already in the field, stretching. “Jarheads!”

    “Squids!” Leatherneck nodded his head in greeting. “Shipwreck…didn’t expect to see your creaky old bones out here this fine morning.”

    “You are way too cheery in the morning, you know that Gunny?”

    “Ah…its all in the caffeine.” Leatherneck smiled and indicated the huge thermos of Java sitting next to him, “What’s got you up, Sailor? It’s not like you to exercise…”

    “Falcon…what else,” Torpedo grinned as Shipwreck threw him a patented sea dog scowl.

    Leatherneck chuckled. “There’s another one I was surprised to see up this early.”

    Shipwreck cocked his eyebrow. “He was here?”

    “Oh yeah. You just missed him. He just took off after Lady Jaye…she is doing her morning run. The guy is going to have a coronary trying to catch up to her.”

    Leatherneck frowned as Shipwreck’s smiled evilly, “Oh…I know that look. What are you up to now Shipwreck? You aren’t taking that kid’s tough talk seriously are you…”

    “Pfa! That smug little bastard is going down…its all a matter of time.” Shipwreck turned as he noticed two figures coming towards them, smiling as he recognized the beret-clad man in the lead, “…and so it begins.”

    “Men!” Flint called out a greeting as he approached, Wild Bill trailing along behind him, both looking particularly worn and grubby from their weeklong mission.

    “Flint…Wild Bill…” Gung Ho smiled up from his stretching, “Good to have you back…”

    “Good to be back.” Wild Bill tilted his Stetson, “I reckon a hot shower and a warm soft bed would do me a world ‘o good right about now. I hurt in places I never knew existed.”

    “I hear you Bill, go ahead, you’re dismissed.” Flint smirked and turned to Leatherneck.

    “You don’t happen to know where I might find Lady Jaye? I have to…ummm…brief her on the situation.”

    “More like DE-brief her…” Shipwreck mumbled.

    “What was that Sailor?” Flint’s head whipped around and fixed him with a glare that would have brought Cobra Commander to his knees. Oh boy, Falcon is going to die. Maybe this whole thing isn’t such a good idea…

    “Oh…Uh…I was just saying that she went for a jog this morning…” Then again, the kid has it coming, and let it not be said that Shipwreck is one to give up so quickly

    “…with Falcon.”

    To his right, Leatherneck spit up his coffee in shock and began to cough, Gung Ho slapped him on the back to clear his airway.

    “WHAT?!” Shipwreck took an involuntary step back at the force of Flint’s voice.

    “Shipwreck…” Torpedo hissed quietly, “She didn’t go with him…he followed her. You aren’t supposed to influence the outcome, it will throw off the entire pool!”

    “Would someone PLEASE tell me what the hell is going on?” Leatherneck’s voice boomed through the ensuing silence.

    “Yes, Shipwreck…please do.” Flint growled.

    “Oh…well…see…ummm…HEY…speak of the devil…here she comes now!” he chuckled nervously, thanking God that the woman was a fast runner.

    “Flint!” She smiled at him, “You’re back! We missed you…”

    Flint’s face softened immediately as she approached, forgetting Shipwreck, Falcon…everything. He smiled at her, his voice soft and awkward…”Its nice that I was missed…by my buddies…I mean” He took off his beret and nervously ran his hand through his hair “…and you…of course…cause you’re my buddy as well…”

    Lady Jaye smiled radiantly and Flint blushed.

    “So…what are you doing later? I thought we might get together over lunch and talk about us…” As Jaye’s eyes widened, Flint spluttered and continued, “…to go over the mission I mean. The one we are going on…together…”

    “Boy…this is almost painful to watch.” Wetsuit commented, his voice low.

    “How long has this been going on, again?” Torpedo asked, shaking his head as he watched the two turn and head in.

    “Too long.” Leatherneck turned to Shipwreck, “Gung Ho told me what’s going on, Squid…I don’t think this is such a great idea. I mean…look at them.” He gestured at their retreating forms and they all turned in time to watch Flint trip over his own feet. So intent was he in watching his partner that he forgot to look where he was going. “Flint is having enough trouble without throwing Falcon into the mix.”

    “Don’t worry, Gunny…I have a plan.”

    “That’s what I’m afraid of. As your superior officer I think it’s my job to…”

    “HEY FALCON!” Gung Ho shouted as the sweaty lieutenant came jogging into view, “YOU HAD BETTER SLOW DOWN BEFORE YOU HURT YOURSELF!”

    “This…is…nothing…” he said between breaths as he stopped and leaned over to catch his breath next.

    “Really…” Leatherneck grinned. “…I warned you that she was fast…”

    “For a Marine maybe.” Falcon commented, “You would never hear a Green Beret complaining.”

    “I don’t know. I remember you crying like a baby on that obstacle course I sent you through last week.” Leatherneck leaned back and put his arms behind his head.

    “It was tears of laughter at how easy it was…you Marine’s wouldn’t know a course if it bit you in the six.”

    “Is that so…” Leatherneck frowned, “I can certainly liven things up for you if that’s your game? Come to think of it, aren’t you due for a refresher?”

    “No can do, Jarhead. Waste of my god given talents. And anyhow, I have bigger fish to fry…now where did she go…”

    Leatherneck’s eyes glinted as he considered the ‘boy’ standing before him. “She went to shower. You might be able to catch her in the mess for breakfast.”

    “Ah…back to the chase then…” With a mock salute, Falcon was off.

    Shipwreck smirked. “I take it your in?”

    “20 bucks says he doesn’t make it through the day now that Flint is back.”

    Gung Ho smiled, “This will make him think twice before poo-pooing the Corps.“

    Leatherneck merely nodded and got up to start his work out, turning to the Shipwreck and the SEALS with a grin.

    “Semper Fi, boys…Semper Fi…”


Continued in Part Three!
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